Monday, May 19, 2008

The Big Goldfish Letdown

As a side dish for the Attack of the Pizza Night, I opened up a bag of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. Everyone loves Goldfish right? Can't go wrong with a big handful of Goldfish? Wrong! I was browsing the usual foodies at the grocery store and came upon what I thought would be a new friend. I give you exhibit A...

Xplosive Pizza Flavored Goldfish

I must say I was very disappointed. First off, the bag was difficult to open. The nerves of these people! Adding foil inside for freshness or something? Epic fail. Then to top things off you may notice the packaging is also not very photogenic. It's this real shiny foil like material. Not impressed give me the classic paper package any day.

Now on to the more important part...the taste test. Let's just put it this way...take a piece of cardboard, add some tomato powder, a bit of cheese flavor, a whole lot of extra salts/oils, and you end up with about the same effect. Too many ingredients can ruin a good thing is the moral to this story I suppose. Then as a slap in the face the package says these things were "made with smiles and...". Who are they kidding?

Stick to the classic Goldfish as you can not go wrong, but snackers beware of these new Goldfish flavors they are trying to pass off as good foodie.

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